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Evidencias de talleres realizados y visitas de campo a Punto Verde.
Taller en el internado de Todos Santos B.C.S. México.
Visita de "Escuela Pacífica" Todos Santos B.C.S. México
Alumnos "Tecnológico de La Paz" La Paz B.C.S. México
Taller "The palapa Society of Todos Santos" Todos Santos B.C.S. México
Taller "C.E.C.Y.T.E." Todos Santos B.C.S. México
Taller "Primaria Melitón Albañez" Todos Santos B.C.S. México
Alumnos del internado de Todos Santos B.C.S. México.
Estudiantes "The Sierra School" Todos Santos B.C.S. México.
Taller "Escuela Secundaria Todos Santos" Todos Santos B.C.S. México
Estudiantes "C.S.U. Colorato Satate University" Estados Unidos
Taller "Todos Educando" Todos Santos B.C.S. México
Green Kids is a program that empowers children to change their habits at home.

An environmental and non-profit organization based in Todos Santos in the municipality of La Paz, state of Baja California Sur, Mexico.
We manage environmental projects and promote programs under the "Zero Waste" approach. As a result, less and less trash (pollution) reaches garbage dumps, landfills, roads, streams and finally the ocean.
Our struggle towards a peninsula without garbage, is in the collaboration between sectors (households, companies, NGOs and government) to jointly promote a change of habits through the 3R's": Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
Currently we work locally with three programs towards a "Circular Economy":
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